Next Library

25. apr 2019

Aarhus har siden 2009 været vært for fem internationale Next Library konferencer og der har været Next Library camps i Reykjavik, Oslo og Stockholm. Desuden har Chicago og Berlin været værter for Next Library Satellit konferencer. Næste år holder State Library of Queensland, Australia Next Library Satellite Meeting. Next Library er også et online community, hvor mere end 1550 biblioteksfolk, ledere og udviklingsfolk fra 96 lande i hele verden er medlemmer. I er også meget velkomne her.

3. juni i Aarhus: Konceptet bliver en kombination af fem ture, som starter i Dokk1, og som alle slutter ved Aarhus Central Food Market med spisning kl. 19-21
Aarhus Central Food Market (har plads til 350), og holder åbent kun for os fra kl. 20.00.

Deltagerne får madbilletter, som er inkl. i Conference badge.
Drikkevarer er på egen regning.
Oversigt over de korte ture inden spisningen:


17.30 - 19.00

Max no. of participants

OPTIONAL: Monday Mingle Tour in Aarhus. IDEAS




Søren Bitsch, Aarhus City Archieve




Sydhavnen - City development

Sara Jarsbo



FO-Byen Adult education / Torben Drejer

Besøg, oplæg / debat ca. 60 minutter.

Sted: Stiften Loungen, Frederiksgade 78B, st.

Torben Dreier, Henrik Gram Nielsen







Aarhus - havn og bugt; Svend Tveskæg, Harald Blåtand og Ringenes Herre

Daniel Astola

Food 19.00 - 21.00


Aarhus Central Food Market 350 pers



Monday Mingle Tour 3 June at 17:30 – 19 til FO-byen

Free Education Association for public enlightenment: Destination: FO-city, Frederiksgade 78C, 8000 Århus C. Start: Dokk1 at the Main Staircase outside. End: Aarhus Central Food Market. Next Library Guides: Knud Schulz and Randi Heide. Hosts at FO-city: Torben Dreier General Manager and Henrik Gram Nielsen, International Coordinator are the hosts in FO City. Free tickets available at the Get2Gether event Sunday 2 June on a first come, first served basis.



1. Walk from Dokk1 to destination, approx. 15 minutes


2. Visit at FO-city

Torben Dreier and Henrik Gram Nielsen will introduce participants to the Danish concept of Free Education Associations; which is based on learning principles of the Danish poet and filosopher, N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783–1872).

The FO-city vision emphasizes being a city for everybody, quality of life, the ability and will to exceed limits, and the will to "learn to learn".


The FO-city is:

• environment for an ambition to modernize and revitalize the popular education concept of Grundtvig in an open center for manners, education and opinion. Our goal is to develop into the neighborhood's focal point for information and service.

• socially and environmentally sustainable, which means that it is primarily inhabited by social enterprises and that day-to-day working methods adhere to green principles.

• "The everyday folk high school", placed where people meet, live, and stay. It's the new popular education platform in a diverse world which constantly requires you to create meaning in life and self-understanding.

The FO-city breaks down the traditional institutional model and organizes and strengthens active citizenship, to the benefit of both community and individual.

The FO-city gives all citizens a hand, and works against society's propensity to break into those with few or no skills, and those with many or the most skills.


The core of the FO-city

From those involved, developing an FO-city requires openness, responsiveness, respect for each other's ideas and thoughts, that people are viewed as equal parties whatever their background and affiliation. For the FO-city is about quality of life, about room and an environment for a local democracy, and whatever makes sense to the citizen. Room for community, help across generations and sectors, tolerance and obligation to others, making room for everybody, including the underprivileged, the diseased, the unemployed, the weak at reading and writing, etc.

About The NGO FO-Aarhus – Free Adult Education Association

About FO-city:

The history of the Building FO-city:


3. Walk from FO-city to Aarhus Central Food Market. Approx 8 minutes.


Man tilmelder sig ved Get2Gether, hvor man kan få en farvet snor eller en farvet billet med kort på bagsiden (ligesom da Carte Blance opførte The White Tribe i Dokk1 under 2017, så man kan finde Aarhus Central Food Market, hvis man bliver væk på sin tur.
Overskydende billetter/snore kan fås i Conference Desk i løbet af mandagen.

Lotte Duwe Nielsen, projektleder for Next Library, Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker – Hovedbiblioteket. T: 51 57 64 61 -,


Arrangementet i FO-byen støttes af FO-Aarhus' debatpulje.